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Showing posts from 2018

Computers to perceive Human Emotions

Researchers have developed a machine-learning model that takes computers a step closer to interpreting our emotions as naturally as humans do. In the growing research field of “affective computing”, robots and computers are being developed to analyze facial expressions, interpret our emotions, and respond accordingly. Applications include, for instance, monitoring an individual’s health and well-being, gauging student interest in classrooms, helping diagnose signs of certain diseases, and developing helpful robot companions . A challenge, however, is people express emotions quite differently, depending on many factors. General differences can be seen between cultures, genders, and age groups. But other differences are even more fine-grained: The time of day, how much you slept, or even your level of familiarity with a conversation partner leads to subtle variations in the way you express, say, happiness or sadness in a given moment. Human brains instinctively catch these devi

Market Analysis: Cognitive Computing, recent industry developments

In the ever dynamical world of data technology, business organizations are left with a massive amount of data with them. This data includes very crucial info for business use, however business organizations are solely ready to utilize 200th of whole data accessible with them with the use of traditional data analytics technology. To method and interpret the reaming 80th of the data that's within the form of videos, images, and human voice (also referred to as dark data), there's a requirement of cognitive computing systems. Cognitive computing  systems are a typical combination of hardware and software that constitute natural language processing (NLP) and machine language, and have the capability to collect, process, and interpret the dark data available with business organizations. Cognitive computing systems process and interpret the data in a probabilistic manner, unlike conventional big data analytic tools. However, to cope with the continuously evolving technolog

Is it possible to train artificial neural networks directly on an optical chip?

The significant breakthrough demonstrates that an optical circuit will perform a critical function of an electronics-based artificial neural network and will result in more cost-effective, quicker and additional energy-efficient ways to perform advanced tasks like speech or image recognition. using an optical chip to perform neural network computations additional efficiently than is possible with digital computers could permit additional advanced issues to be resolved. An artificial neural network is a variety of artificial intelligence that uses connected units to process data in a manner like the way the brain processes information.             A light-based network A neural network process is often performed employing a traditional computer, there are significant efforts to design hardware optimized specifically for neural network computing. Optics-based devices are of great interest because they can perform computations in parallel while using less energy than elec

A new era for Satellite Imagery by using Machine Learning

AI and Machine Learning would revolutionize our existing technological frameworks and introduce a brand new industrial age by reorienting and reworking everything from the only of appliances to cars. However, that’s not all! The applications of Machine Learning aren't solely restricted to the terrestrial zone, however, have reached for the sky too, each virtually furthermore as figuratively. Similar to all alternative domains that are constantly reimagining themselves and girding for the longer term, the domain of remote sensing is additionally undergoing profound changes and witnessing increasing use of specified algorithms once huge information and Cloud Computing became virtually omnipresent. Machine Learning algorithms have verified to be a strong tool for analyzing satellite imagery of any resolution and proving higher and additional nuanced insights. In its emerging stages, there are a few challenges as well in the application of Machine Learning on satellite pictu

Researchers unveil Artificial intelligence that learns on its own

Computer scientists have created Artificial Intelligence (AI) that may probe the “minds” of alternative computers and predict their actions, the primary step to fluid collaboration among machines and between machines and folks. By about the age of four, human youngsters understand that the beliefs of another person might diverge from reality which those beliefs may be wont to predict the person’s future behavior. Number of today’s computers will label facial expressions like “happy” or “angry” ability related to the idea of mind, however, they need very little understanding of human emotions. The new project began as a shot to urge humans to grasp computers. Several algorithms employed by AI aren’t absolutely written by programmers; however instead rely on the machine “learning” because of it consecutive tackles issues. The resulting computer-generated solutions square measure typically black boxes, with algorithms too complicated for human insight to penetrate. So Neil Rab

How to Protect Artificial Intelligence?

The cybersecurity world could be a constant battle to remain one step prior to the opposite aspect. Attackers unendingly develop new ways in which to interrupt into a system and acquire around its defenses, whereas the great guys should unrelentingly fix these weaknesses and build defenses against new sorts of attacks. Artificial intelligence presents a brand new world of prospects for each cybersecurity specialists and hackers. As AI has become a lot of prevailing, there is a little doubt that it will become a target of attacks. Those making AI programs and also the world’s security execs are acting on production ways in which to thwart these attacks before they occur. Businesses, likewise, that wish to use AI ought to confirm they need a method in situ to guard it before rolling out AI-based solutions. Defensive AI Defensive Artificial Intelligence accounts for this attack ability and makes it more durable for unhealthy actors to be told however they work. The

Autonomous Vehicles change lanes more like human drivers do

In the field of autonomous cars, algorithms for dominant lane changes are a very important topic of study. however most existing lane-change algorithms have one among 2 drawbacks: Either they have confidence elaborated applied math models of the driving setting, that are tough to assemble and too advanced to investigate on the fly; or they’re thus easy that they will result in impractically conservative choices, adore ne'er ever-changing lanes the least bit. One normal means for autonomous vehicles to avoid collisions is to calculate buffer zones round the alternative vehicles within the surroundings. The buffer zones describe not solely the vehicles’ current positions however their probably future positions inside a while frame. Coming up with lane changes then becomes a matter of merely staying out of alternative vehicles’ buffer zones. For any given methodology of computing buffer zones, formula designers should prove that it guarantees collision shunning, inside the

AI to speed up the development of specialized Nanoparticles

A new method involving Artificial Intelligence developed by Massachusetts Institute of Technology physicists will offer how to custom-design multi-layered nanoparticles with desired properties, doubtless to be used in displays, cloaking systems, or medical specialty devices. It’s going to additionally facilitate physicists tackle a range of thorny analysis issues, in ways in which may in some cases be orders of magnitude quicker than existing ways. The innovation uses machine neural networks, a sort of computing, to “learn” however a nanoparticle’s structure affects its behavior, during this case the manner it scatters totally different colors of sunshine, supported thousands of coaching examples. Then, having learned the connection, the program will primarily be run backward a particle with the desired set of light-scattering properties a method referred to as the inverse design. The nanoparticles are stratified like associate onion; however, every layer is formed of to

Geospatial AI or Geo.AI

Using intelligent algorithms, information classification and good prophetic analysis, AI has its utility during a sizable amount of sectors. A lot of specific set of AI that mixes the accuracy of GIS with the razor-sharp analysis and solution-based approach of AI is termed Geospatial AI or just Geo.AI. Geospatial AI also can be referred to as a replacement type of machine learning that's supported a geographic part. How does it work? With the assistance of straightforward smartphone applications, folks will offer period feedback regarding the conditions in their surroundings, as an example, traffic jam, the main points of it, the height hours, their expertise of it, their rating: low, moderate, or dense. The information is then collated, sorted, analyzed and it enhances its accuracy and preciseness as a result of thousands of users contributive to the information. This approach of exploitation geographical location would then not solely fill the kn

Future Of AI: A Few Snapshots To Make 3D Models

Google’s new variety of computer science algorithmic program will make out what things appear as if from all angles — while not having to examine them. After viewing one thing from simply a number of totally different views, the Generative question Network was able to piece along an object’s look, while it'd seem from angles not analyzed by the algorithmic program, in step with analysis printed nowadays in Science. And it did therefore with none human management or coaching. that would save heaps of your time as engineers prepare more and more advanced algorithms for technology, however, it might conjointly extend the skills of machine learning to administer robots (military or otherwise) larger awareness of their surroundings. The Google analyzers intend for his or her new variety of computer science system to require away one among the foremost time sucks of AI research — researching and manually tagging and expansion pictures and alternative media which will be wont t

GPUs In The Era of Artificial Intelligence

Graphical Processing Units was first developed in 1999 by NVidia and was referred to as the GeForce 256. This GPU model could process 10 million polygons per second and had more than 22 million transistors. The GeForce 256 was a single-chip processor with integrated transform, drawing and BitBLT support, lighting effects, triangle setup/clipping and rendering engines. Conventionally, computing power is related to the quantity of CPUs and therefore the cores per processing unit. WinTel started to breach the enterprise data center, application performance and information throughput were directly proportional to the number of CPUs and available RAM. Whereas these factors are important to achieving the desired performance of enterprise applications, a new processor began to gain attention – Graphics Processing Unit or GPU. But within the time of Machine Learning and AI, GPUs found a new place that makes them as applicable as CPUs. Deep learning, and advanced machine learning

Prediction Intervals for Machine Learning

A prediction interval is a quantification of the uncertainty on a prediction. A prediction from a machine learning perspective is a single point/purpose that hides the uncertainty of that prediction. It provides a probabilistic upper and  lower  bounds on the estimate of an outcome variable. And are most widely used when making predictions or forecasts with a regression model, where a quantity is being foreseen. It surrounds the prediction created by the model and hopefully covers the range of the actual outcome. A confidence interval quantifies the unpredictability on an approximated population variable, such as the mean or standard deviation. Whereas a prediction interval evaluates the uncertainty on a single observation approximated from the population. Prediction intervals provide a way to evaluate and communicate the ambiguity in a prediction. They are different from confidence intervals that instead explore to evaluate the uncertainty in a population parameter such

Innovative Ways Artificial Intelligence Is Advancing Technology

The implementation of artificial intelligence                Artificial Intelligence is an intelligence exhibited by machines without needing any humans. The addition of AI to bot technology opens the door to endless possibilities for human interactions. Brand awareness                 With bots, this is no longer the case. You can create a bot that represents your brand and spreads information relating to it. Bots can be available instantaneously to provide further information to prospective customers. They can not only raise a broader awareness of your product by being implemented in various mediums but are also able to respond to millions of customers at once without the expense of manpower. Intuitive programming                  Intuitive bot aims for comfort as much as convenience, because in order to convert, a customer needs to trust the person they are buying from. Bots are working behind the scenes as well. is the TurboTax of passport

Brain-Computer Interface

Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are seen as a potential means by which severely physically impaired individuals can regain control of their environment, but establishing such an interface is not trivial. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) uses the electrical activity in the brain to control an object, usage has seen grown in people with high spinal cord injuries, for communication, mobility, and daily activities. The electrical activity is detected at one or more points of the surface of the skull, using non-invasive electroencephalographic electrodes, and fed through a computer program that, over time, improves its responsiveness and accuracy through learning. As machine learning algorithms became faster and additional powerful, researchers have mostly targeted on increasing decryption performance by characteristic optimum pattern recognition algorithms. To test this hypothesis, researchers listed two subjects, each tetraplegic adult men, for the session/training with a

AI can change Blockchain

A  blockchain  is a secure distributed enduring database shared by all parties in a very distributed network where transaction data can be easily audited and recorded. The data are stored in rigid structures called blocks, which are connected to each other in a chain through a hash. Most often used term used today is  Artificial Intelligence , which states that the ability of a machine to exhibit intelligence. A circulated database accentuates the importance of data sharing among multiple applicants on a particular network. On the other hand, Artificial Intelligence depends on Big Data, particularly sharing of data. With additional open data to analyze, the conjectures and assessments of machines are considered more correct, and the algorithms generated are more reliable. The theory and practice of building machines capable of performing tasks that seem to require intelligence is what we can call Artificial Intelligence. Blockchain could: ·          Help AI ex

Artificial Intelligence to predict possible life forms on other planets

Developments in artificial intelligence might facilitate us to predict the likelihood of life on different planets, according to research team from Plymouth University’s Centre for Robotics and Neural Systems used artificial neural networks (ANNs) that use similar learning techniques to the human brain, so as to estimate the likelihood of extra-terrestrial life on other worlds. It estimates the probability of life in each case, with the apparent potential to play a key role in future heavenly body exploration missions. ANNs are systems that attempt to replicate the way the human brain learns. They are particularly good at identifying patterns that are too complex for a biological brain to process and one of the main tools used in machine learning. As per the AI system the planets are first classified into 5 different types, determined by whether they are most similar to present-day Earth, Venus, Mars or Saturn’s moon Titan. All 5 of these objects are among the most potentia

Are biometrics hack-proof?????

Biometrics usually refers to the process used to recognize, identify and authenticate persons based on certain physical or behavioral characteristics. Biometric verification is to identify a person uniquely by estimating one or more unique biological traits. Now-a-days biometric authentication is also hacked which usually relies on factors like fingerprints and facial recognition. Some experts are worried that biometrics can be inherently weak because as they rely on some aspects that could change throughout a person's life. We have come across generally recognition methods in our day2day life such as fingerprint, face recognition. These are few conventional methods which are used mostly for biometric applications. Apart from the common Biometrics techniques, there are other Unconventional methods which are very rarely known. “So, the Unconventional Biometrics will be the answer to the Hackers” Types of Unconventional Biometrics: 1. Body Odour:

Artificial Intelligence: Text Analytics and Natural Language Processing

Natural Language Processing and Text analytics holds the key to unlocking the business worth among these huge data sets. They are step by step transforming into a field very useful for numerous business applications, like competitive analysis, and raising the standard of machine intelligence systems. Text Analytics or text mining, its a broad term that describes tasks from elucidation text sources with meta information such as people and places mentioned in the text to a large range of varying models regarding the documents. There has been a large growth inside the volume and various kinds of data/information as a result of the build-up of unstructured text data/information. Industries/Companies are now relying on technologies like text analytics and NLP for creating sense of such massively collected data. Text analytics and NLP hold the key to unlocking the business price/value within these vast information sets. Natural Language Processing a subset of Artificial Intell