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Innovative Ways Artificial Intelligence Is Advancing Technology

The implementation of artificial intelligence
               Artificial Intelligence is an intelligence exhibited by machines without needing any humans. The addition of AI to bot technology opens the door to endless possibilities for human interactions.

Brand awareness
                With bots, this is no longer the case. You can create a bot that represents your brand and spreads information relating to it. Bots can be available instantaneously to provide further information to prospective customers. They can not only raise a broader awareness of your product by being implemented in various mediums but are also able to respond to millions of customers at once without the expense of manpower.

Intuitive programming
                 Intuitive bot aims for comfort as much as convenience, because in order to convert, a customer needs to trust the person they are buying from. Bots are working behind the scenes as well. is the TurboTax of passport renewals, made possible by its own “smart wizard,” the company describes as a feature that “seamlessly automates customer information to help them complete many application tasks, including filling out forms.”

Voice Assistants: Commonplace in the Workplace
            According to the Researchers, voice-activated digital assistants can become commonplace within the business atmosphere. Researchers found almost nearly half the percent of new mobile apps using voice as a primary interface. These digital assistants can enable users to move with the key applications and information insights.

Robotic workforce
              In the future, abundant of the labor-intensive add assembly lines of factories would be done by AI programmed robots and not employees. This might bring down the cost of hiring employees and additionally cut back outsourcing and offshoring.

Battlefields in the age of AI
             Drones are just the beginning. With the increasing convergence of defense, surveillance investigation, and intelligence operation with cyber-security, the need for algorithm-based AI solely expands.
             Cyber-security, a real opportunity area for AI as the issues are constantly advancing and the main challenge is new types of malware. AI would have an additional edge here given its ability to work at scale and sift through several incidents to spot aberrations, risks, and signals of future threats.



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