We take the pride to invite all the participants across the globe to attend the Global summit on Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network during October 15-16, 2018 at Helsinki, Finland. Artificial Intelligence and Neural Network include prompt keynote presentations, Oral talks, Poster presentations, and Exhibitions.
Neural Networks 2018 aims in proclaim knowledge and share new ideas amongst the professionals, industrialists, researchers, and students from research area of Artificial Intelligence. This scientific gathering guarantees that offering the thoughts and ideas will enable and secure you the theme “Harnessing the power of Artificial Intelligence”. Artificial Intelligence is the technology which will revolutionize many fields especially in industries like manufacturing, control systems, cloud computing, Data mining, etc. Artificial neural networks are statistical models directly inspired by, and partially modeled on biological neural networks. The current era fully rolled out with many new Artificial Intelligence technologies. In such case, more Software companies and industries were newly introduced within the market which obviously shows the market growth of Artificial Intelligence.
Importance and Scope
Artificial intelligence (AI) promises to revolutionize our lives diagnose our health problems, drive our cars and lead us into a new future where thinking machines do things that we’re yet to imagine. Fields like Neural Networks, Machine Learning, Robotics, Evolutionary Computation, Vision, Speech Processing, Expert Systems, Planning and Natural Language Processing. The conference organizers aim is to gather the researcher’s academicians and scientists from the field of Data Mining and Artificial Intelligence community to create an approach towards a global exchange of information on technological advances, new scientific innovations, and the effectiveness of various regulatory programs towards Artificial Intelligence.
Target Audience
Smart Innovators
Robotic Technologist
Gaming Professionals
Automation Industry Leaders
Health Care Service Providers
Defence Research Professionals
Automation Industry Leaders
Managers & Business Intelligence Experts
Advertising and Promotion Agency Executives
Professionals in Media Sector
Conference Highlights
For further more updates on the availing research proficiency, do visit: https://neuralnetworks.conferenceseries.com/abstract-submission.php
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