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Showing posts from May, 2018

Innovative Ways Artificial Intelligence Is Advancing Technology

The implementation of artificial intelligence                Artificial Intelligence is an intelligence exhibited by machines without needing any humans. The addition of AI to bot technology opens the door to endless possibilities for human interactions. Brand awareness                 With bots, this is no longer the case. You can create a bot that represents your brand and spreads information relating to it. Bots can be available instantaneously to provide further information to prospective customers. They can not only raise a broader awareness of your product by being implemented in various mediums but are also able to respond to millions of customers at once without the expense of manpower. Intuitive programming                  Intuitive b...

Brain-Computer Interface

Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) are seen as a potential means by which severely physically impaired individuals can regain control of their environment, but establishing such an interface is not trivial. Brain-computer interfaces (BCIs) uses the electrical activity in the brain to control an object, usage has seen grown in people with high spinal cord injuries, for communication, mobility, and daily activities. The electrical activity is detected at one or more points of the surface of the skull, using non-invasive electroencephalographic electrodes, and fed through a computer program that, over time, improves its responsiveness and accuracy through learning. As machine learning algorithms became faster and additional powerful, researchers have mostly targeted on increasing decryption performance by characteristic optimum pattern recognition algorithms. To test this hypothesis, researchers listed two subjects, each tetraplegic adult men, for the session/training with a...

AI can change Blockchain

A  blockchain  is a secure distributed enduring database shared by all parties in a very distributed network where transaction data can be easily audited and recorded. The data are stored in rigid structures called blocks, which are connected to each other in a chain through a hash. Most often used term used today is  Artificial Intelligence , which states that the ability of a machine to exhibit intelligence. A circulated database accentuates the importance of data sharing among multiple applicants on a particular network. On the other hand, Artificial Intelligence depends on Big Data, particularly sharing of data. With additional open data to analyze, the conjectures and assessments of machines are considered more correct, and the algorithms generated are more reliable. The theory and practice of building machines capable of performing tasks that seem to require intelligence is what we can call Artificial Intelligence. Blockchain could: · ...